+ 254 712 951 973


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The curriculum practiced is CBC and 8-4-4.
Based  on  the Needs Assessment  Study  carried  out by  KICD,  and  the  vision  and  mission  of  the BECF, the seven core competencies to be achieved by every learner in basic education are:

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Self-efficacy
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Creativity and Imagination
  • Citizenship
  • Digital Literacy
  • Learning to Learn

The assessment, which is based on Competency Based Curriculum is structured under the following aspects:

1. E.E – Exceeds Expectations (80 – 100%)
2. M.E – Meet Expectations (65 -79%)
3.  A.E – Approaching Expectation (50 -64%)
4. B.E – Below Expectation (0 – 49%)

Teachers are expected to assess learners based on the highlighted aspects of grading

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